11 Marketing Initiatives to try in 2024

Marketing Initiatives to TRy

What is a marketing strategy and why is it important?

A marketing strategy is a comprehensive, strategic plan of marketing and communication-based techniques that are used to promote, create and maintain a company’s competitive advantage in the marketplace.

It includes market research, creating a brand identity, content creation and planning, utilizing available marketing tools, analyzing data, and budgeting.

A good marketing strategy is the primary way to make your product or service attractive to your target audience and help it stand out from the competition.

A marketing strategy is important because it helps companies stay in touch with their clients so they can know how to best market and sell the product.

In addition to facilitating good communication, a marketing strategy keeps your business competitive by increasing traffic and converting more leads into customers.

marketing initiatives for marketing strategy 2022
11 Marketing Initiatives to try in 2024 4

How do you create a successful marketing campaign?

Effective marketing campaigns should have content that is eye-catching, timely, and reaches the company’s specific audience where they hang out (in real life and online). It’s important to address the audience’s needs while staying true to the company’s brand identity.

1. Define your target audience

When creating effective marketing company initiatives, it is important to understand your target audience and their needs. You want to connect with people that will have an interest in your product or service and provide them with a solution to a problem they have.

Your target audience will be classified by a buyer persona, which takes into account several factors including gender, age, income levels, location, interests, occupation, along with many others. Check out this article, if you need help creating your buyer persona.

Depending on the product or service you are selling, your target audience may be quite broad or very niche, but defining your buyer persona early on will help guide your marketing decisions as you move forward with your marketing strategy.

2. Create useful content

Now that you have defined your target audience, you can begin creating content that will be useful to them.

Creating useful content is all about doing what you know best and sharing your company’s expertise and insight with others. When creating content for your target audience, think about what problems you are solving with your product or service, and how can you best communicate them.

There’s a famous marketing axiom: “Rich media gets shared.”

The goal of marketing is to get people talking, so the more rich media you include in your marketing message — videos, pictures, or infographics, and other visual content — the better.

When we feel something deeply we almost always want to share it with someone else. We’ve all shared a funny video on YouTube or an article that touches us deeply on Facebook.

Content that nudges our emotional strings, informs, or otherwise provides us value tends to encourage action while simultaneously making sure the marketing efforts are reaching across multiple social channels at once.

3. Leverage social media

Now you have a wealth of quality visual content targeted to your audience and you need to find out where your audience hangs out.

These days, we receive most of our information online, so social media will most likely be your greatest tool to reach your audience.

Your first step in leveraging social media for your marketing methods is choosing the right platforms.

You will need to decide which social media platforms fit best with your brand and the content you are creating. For example, if your marketing strategy does not include video, you may not choose a platform such as YouTube or TikTok to focus on.

Not only should the social media platforms you use fit your brand, but they should also fit your audience. Before deciding where to post your content, it’s a good idea to do some demographic research on each social media platform to best reach consumers that fit your buyer persona.

4. Understand how and when to publish

Once you’ve chosen the social media platforms you want to focus your marketing campaigns on, you can utilize each platform’s native analytics to determine what time of day your audience is online and what type of content is the most engaging to them, to further help dictate your posting decisions.

If you’re marketing a product, it’s best to post about your product content at least twice — once when people are active and again around dinner time.

If you’re marketing a service, peak hours for social media engagement will be different than if you were marketing a physical object.

Using a social media scheduling and automation tool such as Hootsuite, Social Pilot, or Buffer can also help you plan out your content and provide more analytical data to your marketing arsenal.

By sharing consistent, useful content on social media at optimal times of day for your audience, you will begin seeing results from your marketing efforts soon enough!

digital marketing initiatives
11 Marketing Initiatives to try in 2024 5

What will marketing look like in 2024?

Marketing may look different in 2024 than it does today. A lot of futuristic ideas that are already in practice will become more mainstream, and marketers will need to prepare for the future by making sure they are adapting their strategies accordingly

Life without third party cookies

Cookies are commonly used to track users’ habits on the web, this is how advertisements are targeted towards you on the internet. Third-party cookies do not originate with the domain being visited.

An example of third-party cookies is if when browsing Facebook, an advertiser sets a cookie associated with your IP address. When visiting their website afterward they will know that it is you returning to their site because of the cookie set by Facebook.

This can be beneficial for advertisers, as they know what content attracts you and what ads would be more likely to interest you, rather than sending general ads based on demographic information which could attract people who may or may not have any interest in what they are advertising.

Google phased out third-party cookies in 2022 which means it will be much less likely for advertisers to know what content attracts you and what ads would be more likely to interest you.

The main reason behind this decision by Google is to prevent misunderstandings or violations of privacy, however, there are some potential downsides to the change.

The first potential downside to the change will be a decreased ability for publishers and marketers to optimize ad targeting, which could hurt their revenue.

Unfortunately, a lot of sites rely on advertisements as a primary form of generating revenue so they can’t afford to miss out on any opportunities that could potentially cause them to lose fans or readers.

Secondly, with less information about your habits on the web, you can end up following accounts or sites that are poorly targeted without realizing it.

For example, when you’re reading an article online for work and an advertisement pops up along the side about hiking boots, this is likely because you were unwittingly tracked all over the internet until eventually, your cookies matched someone who has expressed interest in purchasing hiking boots or researching hiker gear.

One thing marketers could do is have advertisements based on your demographic information since they couldn’t use third-party cookies to determine what content attracts you and what ads would be more likely to interest you.

This way the landing page is less important for targeting purposes because individuals are likely to be interested in what ad pops up since no other factors will determine that interest (e.g., it would not matter much what site you were browsing when an advertisement popped up about hiking boots). This could cut down on wasted ad dollars.

However, there is some question as to whether or not this new strategy would work as effectively as targeting based on your habits and preferences expressed across different sites you visit online since it’s much harder for advertisers to gain demographic information about people who are browsing the web without being tracked. Still, marketers will need to utilize marketing best practices and adapt their strategies accordingly to the changes in order for them to remain competitive and profitable.

The rise of AI

Aside from targeting, artificial intelligence continues to become a staple in marketing efforts going forward.

AI Content Creation

Manufacturers and marketers know that it’s no small feat to produce quality written content. And so, they’ve turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to help with blog posts and other marketing content.

There are many advantages to using AI in this way: for one, budgets can be spared thanks to the elimination of resources spent on content production.

Additionally, you’re able to provide higher-quality content thanks to computers crunching through loads of data and pulling out portions that may interest your consumer base or business partner.

Finally, you reduce the risks that come with hiring writers unfamiliar with your industry — saving time and money by choosing what words should come next rather than trusting a human editor who doesn’t know your company, as well as an algorithm, would.

Chat Bots

Chatbots are another piece of AI that can be used to more efficiently market your business.

Chatbots are an automated version of chat services like live chat, meaning they’re able to answer questions on their own. These conversations are far easier for the user to use because of the instant access they provide–unlike FAQ pages that can be difficult to find or search.

With a chatbot, the user knows exactly what they’re getting and how it works before they even begin. They can also set up schedules for when to message someone or schedule conversations ahead of time which makes it easy for them to keep in contact with customers and close deals.

Marketing strategy and tactics
11 Marketing Initiatives to try in 2024 6

Top 11 Marketing Initiatives to Try in 2024

The best time to start preparing for 2024 is now. If you are not, then your competitors will be. And that would mean both their products and services will have a competitive edge over yours in the marketplace.

It’s no secret that marketing strategies today are becoming more sophisticated by the day as consumers’ needs evolve with the times.

With new channels of communication opening up every single day, it can feel like marketers never get a break from coming up with new ways to reach customers and stand out among the competition at the same time.

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated by this fast-paced environment, don’t give up yet! There may still be hope for your business in 2024: here are 11 strategic initiatives we think might shape marketing efforts next year and beyond.

1. Optimize your website for SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of affecting how high a website appears in search engine result pages.

This can be done by:

  • Changing keywords on the site to better suit what users typically type into the search engine. Read some tips on how we write our SEO titles and some things to avoid. 
  • Tweaking metadata to provide more information about web pages for easier crawling or indexing
  • Setting up server-side programming that helps spiders crawl to index your website data
  • Encouraging natural backlinking from other websites
  • Creating an attractive theme with quality content and more

It’s not an easy task to accomplish since there are many factors that are taken into account by algorithms that are constantly being improved upon. It also requires clearing out any bad links pointing back to your own domain as well as building up new ones made by reputable entities.

But it’s worth the effort because SEO can be used to increase your website’s visibility, performance, and different types of traffic which would, in turn, lead to higher conversions.

The more people see your business show up on their search results, the likelier they are to contact you for possible collaboration or partnership opportunities.  

2. Strategize your Content Marketing to multiply your reach

In order to strategize your content marketing, you need to first identify who your intended audience is. Once you have a good idea of who this is, then it’s time to consider the best time of day when they would be most likely to engage with your content.

This could be in the morning before school/work when people are less busy and might take some extra time for themselves, or in the evening when people want cut-through entertainment in lieu of watching TV; or even in advance in preparation for upcoming events like Christmas or Mother’s Day; or even during summertime when people are on break and looking for something new.

The next step after determining the best times of day would be finding out which mediums work best for them – do they prefer to consume content on mobile devices? Or would a blog post be more suitable for them? What about eBooks or podcasts, audiobooks or interviews with industry experts – which ones do they find most engaging and informative.

Once you have the answers to these questions, then it would be time to create your content – whether that is a blog post, eBook, or podcast episode. The key is to make sure that you’re able to keep your target audience engaged by continuously delivering high-quality content on a regular basis in the best medium possible for them at different times of the day.

Your business website will also need a revamp if it’s not already responsive and optimized for search engines. This means that it will be able to display correctly on mobile devices, optimize its speed for faster load times and maintain a good crawl-ability.

After all this effort of planning out your content marketing strategy, you can expect more people from different demographics to find interest in what you have to say while also getting new potential customers interested in your company.

3. Share relevant information with Social Media Marketing

In order to effectively grow your social media presence, it can be useful to share industry news across social media networks. In this way, you’re able to update your followers on changing trends as well as inform them about what’s going on in your industry so they can stay up-to-date.

Since most people have a tendency to log onto their social media accounts when they need a quick fix of information or entertainment – they may not come across the latest news headlines from traditional sources like newspapers and TV channels. So presenting them with these frequent updates, whether it be to your Facebook or Twitter followers, is an effective way to build brand awareness and attract new potential customers who might not know about you yet.

The content of your posts also needs to be tailored for each network. For Facebook, it might be useful to create video trailers or engaging graphics that would catch people’s attention; alternatively, on Twitter, you can post links to articles with catchy headlines and tweet about them multiple times in the day so they show up near the top of users’ timelines – just make sure not to spam them.

For LinkedIn, it’s best to post professional updates about your company that would be of interest to the people who are following you – whether this is industry news or new products/services being offered by your business. For Instagram and Pinterest, it could also be useful for sharing images that inspire engaging discussions between users in the comments section. Try to encourage employee engagement to get a boost in impressions at the get-go.

No matter what industry your company is in, social media can be a useful tool for increasing brand awareness and providing fresh content on a consistent basis to engage with audiences at different times of the day while also keeping them up-to-date with what’s going on in your business world.

4. Get your Users involved by asking for User Generated Content (UGC)

It is essential to have a part of your content marketing mix dedicated to user-generated content. Collaborating with customers, brands, or influencers for participation in your campaign is a great way to grow hype around the release of new products and increase consumer engagement.

Some things you might consider asking them to share: pictures of themselves using your product recent success story thoughts on a new trend they’ve noticed online any tips or insights.

A little creativity can go a long way when it comes to soliciting UGC from followers – see what campaigns people are responding well to and try copying those with your own flair!

Check out our list of the top 10 user-generated content examples!

5. Automate your conversations with Email Marketing

You can automate all your conversations with email marketing by using one-on-one conversations through customer relationship management tools like Mailchimp, Aweber, and Campaign Monitor.

Email marketing can be an extremely effective way of staying in touch with your email subscribers and existing customers, whether it’s through sending out surveys to gather feedback or sharing new blog posts that you think might spark some discussion.

A great example is if you’re launching a new product/service – send out emails about what sparked the idea for this particular brand addition and how much thought was put into it. Let your customers know that you value their time and opinions by personally responding to any questions they might have about the upcoming release through email – this will also be a great way of promoting and generating some buzz around what’s coming up in 2024!

6. Optimize your outreach with Mobile-First Marketing

Mobile-first marketing is an increasingly popular way of reaching your customers where they are – on the go. Contrary to the old-school way of communicating with people (using desktop PCs and laptops), more and more users are accessing websites/mobile apps using mobile devices like tablets or smartphones because it’s faster, easier, and convenient. Due to trends in the market like increased reliance on social media, shorter attention spans due to constant stimulation through screens, etc., it’s only natural that marketers need to adapt their strategies and tactics accordingly.

The key to optimizing your outreach with mobile-first marketing is to get the content on any given webpage looking crisp and uncluttered so that the user can easily view without having to zoom in or scroll left and right. It’s also important that the layout has ample width for all users, not just apple customers.

The design of your site should be optimized for each screen size, including tablets and phones which might need a simplified version of your blog post for an easy mobile reading experience.

7. Create a compelling story with Brand Story Marketing

Brand storytelling has the ability to evoke an emotional connection with customers by revealing insights, challenges, and triumphs. A great brand story will encourage your customer to develop a personal relationship with your company because they’ll see why their needs are important to you.

By putting a face to the brand, you’ll create an emotional connection that might help customers feel more comfortable with your business. They will be able to connect to the human aspect of your business and view it as more than just another company.

Brand storytelling also helps your audience understand how your product/service fits into their lives so that they don’t have to go out and search for it – they will already know what to buy.

To make your brand story successful, you need to stay consistent with the message that you are conveying.

8. Build a community by Investing in Online Events

The importance of hosting online events during the pandemic cannot be stressed enough. The web has become an integral part of social as well as professional life. If your company is making an effort to provide valuable content via the internet, there’s no reason not to host online industry events! Hosting online could also help you reach a new audience and increase sales because it will give people a chance to see your brand in action.

There is no better way to solicit feedback and create a community than through hosting online events. Online communities provide the perfect opportunity for people to connect with one another, both one-on-one or in larger numbers. The accessibility of these groups allows people to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves, with the reassurance that there will be someone who has faced similar challenges and can offer insight and solutions to common problems.

Hosting an event on social media channels is an effective way of reaching out and establishing connections with your audience. A social media event might also serve as a great tool for customer support by giving you a chance to engage with your audience members in a public space.

You can also host an event on social media where you ask participants to share their thoughts and questions about the topic of discussion, which would be great for generating content ideas from trusted sources within your industry.

By holding online events, you will provide people with opportunities to connect with one another and build their sense of community without the health risks that come with large in-person gatherings these days.

9. Empower your data and adopt a Marketing Automation strategy

A marketing automation strategy is a business’s system of converting potential customers into actual customers, typically through the use of automated marketing systems. The term “marketing automation” may be used to refer to a set of tools and technologies that help automate marketing efforts – including lead generation, lead nurturing, lead scoring, campaign management, and more.

Want some more lead generation ideas? Check out our article on building a website optimized for lead generation.

Marketing Automation Systems provide your company with the ability to create campaigns that are automatically executed based on target audience responses. Marketing automation also allows you to measure the success of each campaign in order to learn which types of audiences are most responsive to certain messages.

Marketing automation empowers your data and marketing KPI’s by helping to push qualified leads through the pipeline using different automated functions. Marketing automation should help make consistent contact with customers while eliminating input errors, redundancies, and wasted time during sales processes.

10. Embrace Personalization to tailor your message

Personalization is the process of adjusting your marketing content- whether that be copy, design, or even bidding on advertising space- to the individual needs and wants of an audience. There are three types of personalization:

  1. Demographic personalization is based on age/gender/location (i.e., baby boomer males)
  2. Behavioral personalization is based on how people behave online (i.e., the person who bought xyz last year)
  3. Psychographic personalization is based on whose personality is most like your target demographics (i.e., social extroverts)

Personalization is more important than ever in marketing because consumers no longer want to be marketed at. They want content that relates directly to them and speaks their language – even if they are on the other side of the world! Personalized communication helps establish trust with your audience members while increasing conversion rates by up to 80%.

11. Use long-form content strategies in your B2B Marketing initiatives

In a constantly connected world, more and more of our decisions are being made instantaneously. In order to be effective, your content needs to keep up with quick decision-making by catering to people’s short attention spans.

It may sound counterintuitive, but longer content is better equipped for this type of environment because it can convey a wealth of information quickly.

Research shows that the ideal word count range for website copy is between 1,000 and 2,000 words. This can be challenging when you want to stay within an allocated budget though!

We recommend using tools like Yoast SEO Premium which will help you write engaging but concise writing while staying on schedule with your execution plan. The important thing here is to make sure that your content is high-quality, engaging, and broken up into digestible sections.

The typical reader today has a short attention span, so it’s important that you are providing users with quality long-form content to keep them engaged with the value of what you’re offering – this will help increase sales conversions in 2024!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my small business need a marketing initiative?

It is important for a business to have a marketing strategy in place. If you’re just getting started, having a go-to-market strategy might be best. If you don’t, your competitors will. Your marketing plan should be based on the customer needs and what they’re looking for in products and services.

How do I get marketing ideas?

The best way is to start with listening to your customers and determining their pain points. The fastest way to get good marketing ideas is to find out what followers, potential clients or other business owners really need from you. Listen to their feedback!

When people want something changed about your services, they will let you know- if not through a post on social media, then through a Google review. The more communication channels you can use to interact with people who buy from or work for your company the better.

Is an agile project management style good for marketing?

The ultimate goal of an agile project management style is to allow flexibility and efficiency in a fluctuating project environment.

Need a better project management tool for your service-based business? Learn how Base helps service-based companies collaborate better with their clients and vendors.

If the company needs to shift focus to a different area, or maximize potential through integration with other projects, an Agile PM style is well-suited because it allows you to quickly change course and recalibrate as needed. This can be important for marketers who need fluidity during campaigns as fads come and go.


In 2024, there will be a greater emphasis on quality content and the use of AI to create personalized experiences for customers.

It’s important that marketers constantly update their knowledge about marketing trends so they can prepare themselves for what’s next. If you want help with this now or in the future, let us know! Our team is ready and waiting to provide whatever support you need.

Whether it’s hiring our experts today or building your own marketing strategy to reach your business goals, we can help you get started right away! Evaluating whether to hire an outsourced marketing company or build an in-house department? We cover everything you need to know about hiring an outsourced marketing company in this article.

We hope you have enjoyed our strategic marketing initiative examples and that you’re excited to get started in planning your business’s marketing campaign. What marketing trends do you think will be the most important to pay attention to in 2024?

One modern and highly effective marketing initiative we didn’t touch on is guerilla marketing, which you can read all about on our blog post!

Picture of Taylor Wise

Taylor Wise

Taylor is a seasoned entrepreneur and the mastermind behind Wise Growth Marketing, dedicated to helping businesses reach their peak. With over a decade of experience, he's on a mission to guide owners towards profitable transitions or sustainable, hands-off models. When not immersed in strategizing, he shares his travels and artistic prints at wisetaylor.com, or you can find him exploring the great outdoors and dispensing camping wisdom at campingtentexpert.com. His life's work reflects his belief in growth, adventure, and the freedom to enjoy the fruits of one's labor.

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