Creating a Website Content Plan: 8 Steps You Need to Follow

Overhead view of a person with a highlighter and several sheets of paper (website content plan)

When it comes to building a successful website, having a well-planned and organized content strategy is crucial. Without a solid plan in place, your website may struggle to attract and engage visitors, leading to lower conversion rates and ultimately affecting your bottom line.

But where do you start when it comes to creating a website content plan? The process may seem overwhelming at first, but with these step-by-step guidelines, you’ll have a clear roadmap for developing high-quality, relevant content that will drive traffic and conversions.

What is a Website Content Plan?

A website content plan is a strategic blueprint for creating, managing, and optimizing your online content. Think of it as a roadmap that guides you from conceptualizing to publishing content that engages your target audience, supports your business goals, and enhances your brand’s digital footprint. It’s not just about filling pages with words; it’s about crafting messages that connect, inform, and inspire action.

If you want to learn more, check out our blog on why updating your website is crucial for SEO and rankings.

What Pages Should I Include on My Website?

The pages you include on your website will depend on the type of business or organization you have. However, there are a few key pages that every website should have:

Home page

The Home page acts as the front door to your digital presence. It’s crucial that this page captures attention immediately. A successful Home page clearly communicates who you are, what you offer, and why visitors should choose your service or product over competitors. To keep users scrolling, it should be visually appealing and engaging, incorporating elements like a compelling headline, a high-impact image or slider, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides them to the next steps, whether that’s learning more about your products or viewing a demo.

About page

The purpose of the About page is to build trust and connect emotionally with your visitors. It should tell the story of your company, highlighting your history, values, and mission. This page is your opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality and authenticity. Include elements like founder messages, team photos, and milestones that make your business relatable and credible. This not only helps establish a rapport with potential customers but also reinforces the legitimacy of your business.

Products/Services/Shop page

Your Products/Services page is where conversions begin. It should go beyond mere descriptions and pricing information; this page must articulate how your products or services solve problems or enhance the customer’s life or business. Use persuasive language, compelling images, and videos to show your products in action. Including customer testimonials or case studies on this page can also be very effective in convincing potential buyers by demonstrating real-world applications and benefits.

Contact page

The Contact page serves as a direct bridge between your business and potential or existing customers. It should be straightforward and functional, making it as easy as possible for visitors to reach out with questions or for support. Include multiple contact methods such as a phone number, email, contact form, and possibly a live chat option. Additionally, providing a FAQ section on this page can preemptively answer common queries, saving time for both the customer and your support team.

Blog or News section

A Blog or News section is invaluable for sharing insights, updates, and valuable content related to your industry. This section can greatly improve your site’s SEO by providing fresh, relevant content that drives traffic. Each post should be informative, well-written, and include keywords that your target audience might use to find your products or services. Regularly updating this section not only helps with search engine rankings but also positions your brand as an authority in your field.

404 and More

A customized 404 page is essential in maintaining a good user experience even when things go wrong. Instead of a standard error message, your 404 page should help visitors find what they were looking for or guide them back to useful resources within your site. Including links to your Home page, main product page, or a site search feature can turn a potential frustration into a continued exploration. Additionally, incorporating a sitemap in your website’s footer can help users—and search engines—better navigate your site’s content, improving overall user experience and SEO.

How to Create a Website Content Plan 

Marketing director in a meeting with other marketing professionals pointing to a wall with sticky notes (website content planning)
Creating a Website Content Plan: 8 Steps You Need to Follow 4

As we’ve discussed, creating a content plan is essential for any successful website. It helps ensure that your website has a clear purpose, engages your target audience, and drives conversions. Here are some steps to follow when creating a website content plan:

1. Establish Goals

Begin with the end in mind. Setting clear, measurable objectives is crucial for guiding your content strategy. Whether you aim to increase website traffic by 20%, boost lead generation by 30%, or enhance customer engagement on specific product pages, your goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Incorporating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as page views, bounce rates, conversion rates, and social media engagement metrics will offer a quantifiable measure of your content’s performance and its alignment with your business objectives.

2. Define Your Target Audience

The cornerstone of any effective content strategy is a deep understanding of your target audience. This goes beyond basic demographics to include psychographics such as interests, values, and lifestyle. What challenges do your potential customers face? What solutions are they seeking? Understanding their language and the terms they use is essential, as these insights will shape the voice and tone of your content, making it resonate more deeply. You can define your target audience by conducting market research, analyzing website traffic and social media data, or creating a buyer persona.

Remember, the more accurately you can speak to your audience’s needs and pain points, the more compelling your content will be.

3. Do Competitor Research

Competitor research is about finding a balance between inspiration and innovation. Look at your competitors’ websites and identify what they’re doing well and where there are gaps in their content strategy. This can reveal opportunities for you to differentiate your brand and capture the attention of a shared audience. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or BuzzSumo can provide insights into their top-performing content, keywords, and backlink strategies. Use this information to benchmark your content and identify areas for improvement or untapped niches.

4. Establish SEO Goals

SEO is the lifeblood of organic online visibility. Setting SEO goals involves identifying the keywords and phrases your target audience uses in their search queries. This step is not just about traffic; it’s about attracting the right traffic. Conduct thorough keyword research to uncover both high-volume search terms and long-tail keywords that can drive more targeted visitors. Incorporating these keywords into your content plan helps ensure that your site’s pages will rank higher in search engine results, making your content more accessible to those who need it.

5. Perform a Content Audit

If you’re working with an existing site, a content audit is indispensable. In fact, 61% of marketers conduct content audits two or more times a year. Content audits allow you to evaluate SEO what content is performing well, what’s outdated, and what might be missing. This process involves reviewing all the content on your website to assess its relevance, performance, and alignment with your current strategy. It’s a chance to identify and refresh underperforming content while strategizing new content that fills existing content gaps.

6. Create a Website Content Map

A content map is a visual representation of your website’s structure, showing how each piece of content is interconnected and aligned with your SEO and content goals. This step involves organizing your content into topic clusters or silos, which can significantly enhance your SEO by creating a more structured and interlinked site architecture. It’s about ensuring each page or post on your site has a clear purpose and is part of a broader narrative that guides your audience through their customer journey.

7. Choose Content Types and Formats

Diversity in content types and formats caters to different audience preferences, enhancing engagement and retention. Blogs, how-to guides, infographics, videos, podcasts, and case studies are just a few examples. Each format serves a different purpose and can be used to convey information in the most effective way depending on the topic and audience preferences. Knowing your target audience and what type of media they engage with is super helpful here. Experimenting with various formats also allows you to repurpose content across platforms, maximizing its reach and impact.

8. Define Promotional Strategy

Your content’s reach extends beyond its existence on your website. Defining a promotional strategy is about deciding how you’ll distribute and amplify your content to attract more eyes. This might include a posting schedule, scheduling social media content, creating a content calendar, sending content highlights through email newsletters, engaging with online communities, social media accounts, or utilizing paid advertising. Each channel offers unique advantages for reaching your target audience and should be selected based on where your audience spends their time and how they prefer to consume content.

By following these eight steps, you can create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

How Do I Plan the Content For a Single Page? 

Hands typing on a laptop
Creating a Website Content Plan: 8 Steps You Need to Follow 5

Content planning for a single-page website or landing page requires a slightly different approach than planning for a multi-page website. With only one page to work with, it’s important to make every word count and ensure a cohesive flow of information. Let’s get into it a little more:

Define the Primary Keyword and Supporting Keywords (if Implementing SEO)

The foundation of SEO content planning for a single page starts with identifying the primary keyword that best represents the main topic or services your page will focus on. This keyword should be a concise representation of your page’s content and have a considerable search volume to ensure visibility. 

Alongside the primary keyword, select supporting keywords that are variations or related terms. These additional keywords help cover a wider range of search queries and can improve the page’s visibility for related searches. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to gather data on search volume, competition, and relevance.

Understand Target Audience & Search Intent

Understanding your target audience and their search intent is critical. Ask yourself: Why would someone search for this keyword? What information or solution are they seeking? Search intent can generally be categorized into four types: informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial investigation. Tailoring your content ideas to match the intent behind the primary keyword ensures that visitors find exactly what they’re looking for, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement rates.

Define Word Count

The word count of your page can influence both SEO and user engagement. A study of the top 5-10 competitor articles for your primary keyword can provide insights into the expected depth and comprehensiveness of your content. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, pages that thoroughly cover a topic with useful, relevant information tend to perform better. Creating an average word count based on competitor articles gives you a benchmark, but always prioritize quality and relevance over meeting a specific word count.

Identify Competitor Articles

Identifying the top 5-10 results for your primary keyword on search engines can offer valuable insights. Analyze these articles to understand the common themes, topics covered, and any gaps that your content can fill. This analysis helps in positioning your page to not just compete but also to stand out by offering unique value or perspectives not found in other top-ranking pages.

Create an Outline

An effective outline serves as a blueprint for your page, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered and logically organized. When starting your outline, consider including these essential sections:

  • Introduction
  • Definition or “What is/What are” Section
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Let’s delve into what each of these sections entails:


Your introduction sets the stage for the entire page. It should captivate your readers, offering them a glimpse of what they can expect to learn. The goal is to hook the audience with a compelling statement or question that piques their interest and clearly outlines the purpose of the page.

Definition or “What is/What are” Section

This segment provides a foundational understanding of the topic at hand. It’s where you define key terms, concepts, or processes that are central to the page’s content. This section is crucial for aligning your content with the search intent of your audience, ensuring they find the exact information they’re seeking.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Incorporating a FAQs section addresses common inquiries related to your topic. This not only adds value by expanding the reader’s knowledge but also positions your page as a comprehensive resource. Additionally, answering frequently asked questions can improve your content’s visibility in search results, especially for voice searches and question-based queries.


The conclusion wraps up your content, summarizing the key points discussed. It should reinforce the main takeaways and guide readers on what to do next — be it contacting your business, making a purchase, or exploring related topics on your site. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression, encouraging further engagement with your content or brand.

Creating a structured outline with these components ensures your content is not only informative and engaging but also meets the diverse needs and interests of your audience.

Plan Visual Elements

Images, infographics, and videos can enhance understanding and engagement. They can also break up large chunks of text and make your content more visually appealing. Consider incorporating visual elements into your outline to help communicate complex ideas or concepts.

Additionally, be sure to optimize any images or videos for SEO purposes by using alt tags and relevant keywords in their file names and descriptions.

Crafting your page with this structured approach not only caters to your audience’s needs but also aligns with SEO best practices, making your content more discoverable and impactful. Remember, the goal is to create content that is both informative and engaging, encouraging visitors to spend more time on your site and take action.


Marketing professionals at a table with sticky notes, papers, and coffee (planning website content)
Creating a Website Content Plan: 8 Steps You Need to Follow 6

Now, armed with these tips and strategies for creating an effective content outline, you can confidently approach your next project with a clear plan in mind. By organizing your thoughts and ideas beforehand, you can streamline the writing process and ensure that your content is well-structured and optimized for both readers and search engines.

So go ahead, start outlining and see the difference it makes in the quality of your content. Your audience will thank you, and so will Google. Happy planning!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a content plan for a website?

A content plan for a website is a strategic blueprint outlining the creation, publication, and management of digital content. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you on what to publish, when to publish, and where to distribute your content to effectively reach and engage your target audience. 

A well-crafted content plan aligns with your overall marketing goals, addresses the pain points of your primary audience, and incorporates various content types — from blog posts and short videos to cornerstone content and engaging infographics. By planning content ahead, you ensure consistency and relevance, which are key to driving more traffic to your website and enhancing your brand’s online presence.

What should be included in a content plan?

A thorough content plan encompasses several critical components. Firstly, content goals need to align with your overarching marketing objectives. This alignment ensures your content endeavors are effectively contributing to your business goals. Secondly, Audience Analysis is essential. It involves a deep dive into the behaviors, preferences, and challenges faced by your primary audience. This analysis enables the creation of content that resonates deeply with your audience.

Next, a content audit is crucial for evaluating existing content. This audit identifies gaps and areas for improvement. Following this, decisions on Content Types and Formats are made. This involves selecting a diverse mix of content such as blog posts, landing pages, short videos, and engaging content that appeals most to your audience.

An editorial calendar is also key. It’s a structured schedule that outlines topics, formats, publication dates, and channels for distribution. Typically, it’s organized in a simple spreadsheet for clear management. Additionally, an SEO Strategy is integral. This strategy incorporates targeted keywords and SEO objectives to enhance your content’s search engine visibility and attract more traffic.

Finally, a promotional strategy outlines how you plan to promote your content across various channels. This includes social media, email marketing, and beyond, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

How can I better understand my target audience’s behavior?

Understanding your target audience’s behavior is pivotal in crafting content that resonates and engages. To gain deeper insights, you can embark on market research to collect data on demographics, preferences, and online habits. Engaging with your audience on social media platforms offers real-time feedback on what content appeals to them the most. Feedback and comments on your website and social media posts are invaluable for identifying common questions or challenges your audience faces. 

Developing detailed buyer personas can help you visualize your ideal customer, making it easier to tailor your content to meet their needs. Additionally, observing how competitors engage their audiences can provide lessons on what to emulate or avoid. Integrating these strategies into your content planning ensures that your content not only attracts but also retains audience interest.

How do I promote my content?

Promoting your content effectively involves a multi-channel approach tailored to where your audience spends their time. Here are some strategies:

Social Media: Share your content across your social media accounts, using hashtags and engaging descriptions to attract attention. Consider timing your posts for when your audience is most active.
Email Marketing: Send out newsletters featuring your latest or most popular content to keep your audience informed and engaged.
SEO: Optimize your content with targeted keywords to improve visibility in search engine results, making it easier for your audience to find you.
Collaborations and Guest Posting: Partner with influencers or other brands in your industry to reach new audiences and gain credibility.
Paid Advertising: Invest in social media ads or search engine marketing to boost the visibility of your key pieces of content.

Remember, the goal is to not only reach a wide audience but to engage and convert this audience into loyal followers or customers. Continuously refine your promotional strategy based on analytics and feedback to better meet your audience’s needs and preferences.

Picture of Noelle Thuillier

Noelle Thuillier

Noelle is a Content Specialist for WGM. She writes and edits all business content, including blogs, press releases, social media posts, and technical writing pieces. With over ten years of experience writing, Noelle has been published on many reputable sites during her career, including and Before coming to WGM, she worked as a News Director at KWHI in Brenham, Texas. Noelle oversaw the newsroom writing stories, producing content, and being an on-air personality. In addition to her bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Noelle holds a Master in Arts degree in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Greenwich in London, England. Noelle’s other passion in life is her family. She enjoys spending time with her husband, Joe, daughter, Frankie, and English Bulldog, Alvin. She also loves to travel, with her favorite destinations so far being Ireland and the Czech Republic.

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