What is Guerrilla Marketing? 32 Examples and Strategies to Ignite Brand Buzz

Times Square in the evening (guerilla marketing)

In a world saturated with marketing messages vying for attention, standing out from the crowd has become an art form in itself. Enter guerrilla marketing – the captivating, rule-breaking approach that has redefined the boundaries of business promotion. As the B2B landscape continues to evolve, businesses are embracing this unconventional marketing strategy to create lasting impressions, spark conversations, and forge connections with their audience in ways never thought possible.

In this blog, we delve into the intriguing realm of guerrilla marketing, exploring its essence, diverse forms, real-world examples, and the secrets to mastering its impactful execution. Get ready to embark on a journey of innovation and creativity, as we unveil the dynamic world of guerrilla marketing and its profound potential to reshape your B2B marketing playbook.

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is an innovative and unconventional marketing strategy that diverges from traditional promotional methods by emphasizing creativity, surprise, and strategic disruption to engage and captivate a target audience. Rooted in the concept of asymmetrical warfare, where smaller, resourceful forces leverage unconventional tactics against larger opponents, guerrilla marketing adapts these principles to the realm of business promotion.

At its core, guerrilla marketing seeks to generate maximum impact with minimal financial resources, leveraging inventive and often unexpected approaches to attract attention, evoke emotions, and stimulate conversations. This marketing approach thrives on the element of surprise, seeking to leave an indelible mark on the audience’s psyche through memorable and shareable experiences.

Example of street marketing: posters on a building wall

How Guerrilla Marketing Diverges From Traditional Marketing Strategies

Unlike conventional marketing, which relies on established channels and predictable messaging, guerrilla marketing takes advantage of non-traditional mediums, such as public spaces, events, social media platforms, and even street art, to convey its messages. By exploiting the element of novelty and tapping into the audience’s curiosity, guerrilla marketing campaigns strive to create a strong emotional connection between the brand and its consumers.

While the primary objective of guerrilla marketing is to generate buzz and intrigue, successful execution also aims to align with the brand’s values, resonate with the target audience’s interests, and reinforce its core messaging. Consequently, the effectiveness of a guerrilla marketing campaign is often measured not only by its immediate impact but also by its ability to create lasting brand recognition and engagement.

Types of Guerrilla Marketing

There are several types of guerrilla marketing campaigns, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at some popular options:

Ambient Marketing

Ambient marketing, often referred to as “ambient advertising,” is a shrewd guerrilla tactic that seamlessly integrates brand messaging into the everyday environment. It capitalizes on spaces where individuals frequently reside or pass through, making use of unsuspecting surfaces to convey subtle yet impactful messages. Think of it as transforming a mundane space into an engaging canvas for your brand story. Whether it’s elevator floors, staircase railings, or even the coffee sleeves in your favorite café, ambient marketing crafts unexpected encounters that leave a lasting impression.

Ambient marketing’s success lies in its ability to surprise without overwhelming, making the audience feel like they’ve discovered something exclusive while going about their day.

Ambush Marketing

A masterstroke of strategic timing, ambush marketing leverages high-profile events hosted by other brands to divert attention toward the ambushing brand. By riding the coattails of major occasions such as sporting events, concerts, or industry expos, the ambusher creates an illusion of association, sparking curiosity and conversation. This ingenious approach can often stir controversy and debates about the ethics of hijacking competitors’ events for one’s gain.

Little-Known Fact: Ambush marketing’s roots trace back to the 1984 Summer Olympics, where American Express (Amex) advertised its services and implied a connection to the Olympics despite having no official ties to the event.

Stealth Marketing

Stealth marketing, also known as “undercover marketing,” involves subtly integrating products or services into real-life scenarios to create a sense of authenticity. The goal is to organically introduce offerings without overtly advertising, relying on the element of surprise to pique the audience’s curiosity. From influencers casually showcasing products in their daily routines to scripted interactions in public spaces, stealth marketing blurs the lines between promotion and everyday life.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is the holy grail of guerrilla digital marketing strategies, aiming to create contagious content that spreads rapidly across digital platforms. Often rooted in humor, emotion, or surprise, viral campaigns possess the power to catapult brands into the spotlight almost overnight. Leveraging social media’s connectivity, viral marketing taps into users’ natural inclination to share compelling content, effectively transforming audiences into brand advocates.

Viral marketing is one of the most difficult guerilla marketing techniques to actually get right; this is because, even for the most savvy of internet marketers, it is difficult to predict what will go viral or how the public will react to trending topics. That being said, marketers most involved in online communities relevant to their brand are more likely to see success with this method, as they can use their intimate knowledge of their customer base to craft compelling marketing campaigns that combine the cultural zeitgeist of the moment with the core values of their business.

The iconic “Dumb Ways to Die” campaign by Melbourne Metro Trains is a prime example of how playful content can swiftly become a global sensation, even addressing a serious message.

Phone getting notifications from several channels

Ready to learn how to create the perfect digital marketing strategy? Check out our blog!

Street Marketing

Street marketing takes guerrilla warfare tactics to the streets, transforming cities into interactive canvases for brands. From simple street fliers to graffiti art to public stunts and flash mobs, street marketing campaigns bring a brand’s story to life through vibrant displays of energy and creativity. It is also an incredibly cost-effective approach that can often be scaled up or down depending on the desired level of engagement.

Guerrilla Guru Tip: Street marketing’s success hinges on understanding the local culture and tailoring experiences that resonate with the community’s vibe.

Buzz marketing

Buzz marketing revolves around creating a palpable buzz within a target audience. This involves generating conversations, anticipation, and excitement around a product, service, or event. Take Taylor Swift for example, who drops hints and hides “easter eggs” throughout her social media platforms, fueling fan discussion and keeping them on the edge of their seats for new releases.

By tapping into the psychological principle of social proof, where individuals are influenced by the opinions and actions of others, buzz marketing aims to ignite a chain reaction of interest, curiosity, and eagerness to explore the offering.

Buzz marketing thrives on fostering a sense of exclusivity, making individuals feel they are part of something unique and ahead of the curve.

Grassroots marketing

Grassroots marketing, in contrast to other guerrilla marketing tactics, is focused on building a long-term relationship with target consumers by directly engaging them where they live, work, and play. This bottom-up advertising strategy emphasizes word-of-mouth marketing rather than traditional media coverage to create an intimate connection with the audience. This guerrilla marketing strategy often takes the form of localized events, meetups, or grassroots movements that harness the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. By tapping into the enthusiasm of dedicated supporters, grassroots marketing creates a ripple effect that extends the brand’s reach organically.

Did You Know: Grassroots marketing aligns with the concept of “micromarketing,” where efforts are focused on nurturing relationships at the individual level for a broader impact.


Astroturfing involves creating the illusion of genuine grassroots support by manufacturing fake endorsements or opinions. This controversial technique aims to manipulate public perception, often deploying fake reviews, testimonials, or social media activity to amplify a brand’s credibility. However, it’s essential to note that astroturfing can backfire, leading to backlash and damage to the brand’s reputation if exposed.

The term “astroturfing” draws its name from the synthetic grass often used in sports fields, reflecting the artificial nature of manufactured support.

12 Famous Guerrilla Marketing Examples

No matter the scale of a guerrilla marketing campaign, it has the potential to generate buzz and leave an unforgettable impact. To inspire your next campaign, here are 12 famous guerrilla marketing examples that demonstrate the creative power of this tactic:

1. Blendtec’s “Will It Blend?” (Viral Marketing)

Blendtec’s viral video campaign featured their blender pulverizing everything from iPhones to golf balls. The humor, shock value, and engaging demonstrations showcased the product’s power, making it both memorable and shareable.

2. T-Mobile’s “Life’s for Sharing” Flash Mob (Street Marketing)

T-Mobile’s flash mob at Liverpool Street Station in London surprised commuters with a lively dance routine. The unexpected and joyful spectacle spread rapidly online, associating T-Mobile with spontaneity and excitement.

3. Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches”(Viral Marketing)

Dove’s emotionally resonant video campaign featured a forensic artist drawing women based on their self-perceptions versus others’ descriptions. The poignant message about self-esteem and beauty garnered widespread attention and shared empathy.

4. Nike’s “Breaking2” Project (Viral Marketing)

Nike’s project to break the two-hour marathon barrier showcased innovation and human achievement. The project combined elite athletes, scientific research, and narrative storytelling, underscoring Nike’s commitment to pushing limits.

5. Burger King’s “Subservient Chicken”(Viral Marketing)

Burger King’s website allowed users to control a man dressed as a chicken in real time. The interactive and quirky experience engaged audiences, reinforced Burger King’s “Have it Your Way” message, and went viral.

6. Carlsberg’s “Probably the Best Poster in the World” (Street Marketing)

Carlsberg’s billboard dispensed free beer to passersby. This unexpected and interactive element caught attention and played on the brand’s slogan, turning the poster into an experience.

7. Red Bull’s Stratos Jump (Viral Marketing)

Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s historic space jump. The event’s live broadcast captivated the world, demonstrating Red Bull’s commitment to pushing boundaries and aligning the brand with extreme adventure.

8. Coca-Cola’s “Hug Me” Vending Machine (Ambient Marketing)

Coca-Cola’s vending machine encouraged users to hug it for a free drink. The heartwarming interaction not only promoted the brand but also fostered positive emotions and shared experiences.

9. IKEA’s “Pee Ad” (Viral Marketing)

IKEA’s magazine ad doubled as a pregnancy test, revealing a discount for expectant mothers. The concept was tied directly to the product’s function while generating buzz and media coverage.

10. Oreo’s “Dunk in the Dark” Tweet (Ambush Marketing)

During a Super Bowl blackout, Oreo tweeted “You can still dunk in the dark.” The real-time response capitalized on a timely event, showcasing Oreo’s wit and agile social media presence.

11. Airbnb’s “Van Gogh’s Bedroom” (Viral Marketing)

Airbnb recreated Van Gogh’s painting and offered it for rent. The immersive experience combined art, history, and modern hospitality, generating curiosity and highlighting Airbnb’s unique offerings.

12. Sony’s “Balls” Ad Campaign (Viral Marketing)

As part of their “Balls” ad campaign, Sony featured a mesmerizing commercial where thousands of colorful rubber balls cascaded down San Francisco streets, showcasing the vivid capabilities of Sony’s Bravia TVs in a visually captivating and shareable manner, leaving an indelible impression on audiences worldwide.

20 Expert Strategies to Try in Your Next Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Venturing into the realm of guerrilla marketing demands more than just audacity – it requires a strategic approach that marries creativity with marketing best practices. As we dive into the trenches of guerrilla marketing, armed with the wisdom of Jay Conrad Levinson, let’s unveil some hands-on tips/insights to keep in mind that transcend the realm of fluff and offer tangible guidance for success.

  1. Leverage Local Insights for Targeting – Identify specific localities or communities that align with your brand’s values. Tailoring your campaign to resonate with the local culture, interests, and trends enhances relevance and boosts engagement.
  2. Embrace Interactive Technology – Incorporate augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or QR codes to create dynamic and interactive experiences that captivate tech-savvy audiences. The integration of cutting-edge technology not only showcases your brand’s innovation but also invites audiences to participate actively in your campaign.
  3. Think Multi-Sensory – Incorporate sensory elements into your guerrilla campaign – from scents and textures to soundscapes. A multi-sensory experience leaves a more lasting impression and taps into a broader range of emotions.
  4. Amplify User-Generated Content (UGC) – Encourage users to share their content on social media, and then leverage that UGC in your own guerrilla campaign. Capturing the voice of your audience will help extend reach and amplify impact.
  5. Collaborate with Local Influencers – Forge partnerships with local influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic. Their endorsement can lend credibility and amplify your campaign’s reach.
  6. Mobile Pop-Up Experiences – Utilize mobile pop-up installations that can move to different locations, maximizing exposure and engagement. These flexible setups can create intrigue and keep your audience guessing.
  7. Guerrilla Art Installations – If you have the creative team/budget necessary to pull it off, guerrilla art installations can offer a unique experience. From street art to unexpected sculptures, such installations can galvanize audiences and be especially powerful for visual brands.
  8. Gamify and Reward Engagement – Incorporate gamification elements, such as scavenger hunts or challenges, into your campaign. Reward participants with exclusive discounts, freebies, or access to limited-time experiences.
  9. Weather-Responsive Campaigns – Craft campaigns that respond to weather conditions. For instance, a cool beverage brand could offer samples during scorching summer days or a hot chocolate brand could do the same during cold winter temperatures.
  10. Limited-Edition Collaborations – Partner with local artists, influencers, or complementary brands to create limited-edition collaborations. These exclusive offerings resonate with collectors and enthusiasts, driving them to seek out and share the unique experience.
  11. Reverse Graffiti – Utilize reverse graffiti – cleaning surfaces to reveal a message – to leave an artistic mark that’s both eco-friendly and attention-grabbing. This environmentally conscious approach aligns with modern values.
  12. Create Shareable Micro-Experiences – Design bite-sized, shareable experiences that fit seamlessly into people’s busy lives. These micro-interactions can spark curiosity and prompt quick sharing on social media. For example, a musical installation that plays an original track whenever users interact with it.
  13. Time-Limited Spectacles – Stage time-limited, one-of-a-kind spectacles that can’t be replicated. A fleeting experience encourages a sense of urgency and exclusivity, motivating participation.
  14. Be Unconventional in Your Advertisement Placement – Think beyond traditional advertising placements and opt for more unconventional/unexpected places. This approach often generates surprise, intrigue, and curiosity.
  15. Vehicle Wraps as Mobile Billboards – Adorn vehicles with eye-catching wraps that act as mobile billboards. These moving advertisements can travel to different locations, maximizing exposure.
  16. Personalize for Hyper-Localization – Tailor your campaign to specific locations, using local landmarks, language, and references to create a stronger bond with the audience. This hyper-local approach showcases your brand’s commitment to understanding the nuances of the community, establishing an immediate connection with those who call it home.
  17. Design for Quick Consumption – Craft messages and experiences that capture attention within seconds, considering today’s fast-paced media consumption habits. In a world where attention spans are fleeting, designing for swift comprehension ensures your campaign’s impact isn’t lost in the whirlwind of information.
  18. Focus on Emotional Resonance – Aim to evoke emotions that align with your brand message, creating a lasting connection and driving brand loyalty. Emotional resonance triggers a deeper, more enduring bond with your audience, ensuring your brand remains ingrained in their thoughts and decisions.
  19. Tread Ethical Grounds Carefully – While pushing boundaries is key, ensure your campaign doesn’t cross ethical or legal lines, maintaining the trust and respect of your audience. Striking the right balance between audacity and ethical conduct reinforces your brand’s integrity and credibility.
  20. Iterate and Innovate – Continuously learn from your campaigns, whether successes or setbacks, and use these insights to refine your future guerrilla marketing strategies. The iterative process fosters constant evolution, allowing you to fine-tune your approach and consistently push the boundaries of innovation. Be sure to track the right marketing KPIs depending on your business (check out some of the most important marketing KPIs on our blog) so that you can keep your marketing efforts moving in the right (and most productive) direction.


city skyline in the evening

We hope these guerrilla marketing ideas, tips, and strategies will help you plan and execute a successful campaign. To make the most out of your guerilla marketing efforts, try to be creative and think outside the box. Remember that in this ever-evolving landscape, it pays to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology, innovation, and audience engagement. Good luck!

If you’re looking for other marketing strategies to try, check out our blog on growth marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is guerilla advertising illegal?

No, guerilla advertisement is not illegal as long as it does not involve any activities that are prohibited by law. However, it can be a bit tricky to execute and requires permission from the relevant authorities in certain cases. For example, if you are planning on using public spaces or property for your guerilla marketing, you need to get permission from the owner. It is important to research local laws and regulations beforehand to ensure your campaign is compliant.

What are the 4 types of guerrilla marketing?

While there are more than four types of guerilla marketing, as outlined above, some marketers split guerrilla marketing into four main categories: outdoor guerrilla marketing, indoor guerrilla marketing, event ambush guerrilla marketing, and experiential guerrilla marketing.

Outdoor guerrilla marketing involves utilizing the outdoors in creative ways to promote a brand, while indoor guerrilla marketing involves using indoors spaces like public areas and stores. Event ambush guerilla marketing is when brands leverage existing events to spread awareness for their product or service, while experiential guerilla marketing focuses on creating memorable experiences that evoke emotion and encourage sharing.

What are some disadvantages of guerilla marketing?

The key disadvantages of guerrilla marketing are the potential for legal repercussions, the lack of control over how people perceive your campaign, and the cost. Guerrilla marketing sometimes involves using public spaces without prior permission, which can get you into trouble if it is not done with proper authorization.

Additionally, since guerilla marketing relies heavily on word-of-mouth to achieve its objectives, you cannot control how people perceive or respond to your campaign. Finally, guerilla marketing is not always the most cost-effective option as it requires specific resources and manpower to be successful.

Picture of Taylor Wise

Taylor Wise

Taylor is a seasoned entrepreneur and the mastermind behind Wise Growth Marketing, dedicated to helping businesses reach their peak. With over a decade of experience, he's on a mission to guide owners towards profitable transitions or sustainable, hands-off models. When not immersed in strategizing, he shares his travels and artistic prints at wisetaylor.com, or you can find him exploring the great outdoors and dispensing camping wisdom at campingtentexpert.com. His life's work reflects his belief in growth, adventure, and the freedom to enjoy the fruits of one's labor.

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