Increase Conversion Rate in a Flash: 20 Highly Effective Methods

Increase conversion rate - Person drawing a graph

You’ve invested in a great website. You’ve done all the research, found a designer you like, and you’re ready to get started on your new design. But before that happens, there’s one crucial bit of information you need to know – what will help you increase your conversion rate and turn website visitors into sales leads?

It seems obvious: make it easy for people to buy something! And when they land on your site, show them what they’re looking for right away (your products or services). But here’s the thing: unless your potential customers already know who you are and what you offer – which is unlikely for businesses just getting started – showing them too much too soon can be counterproductive.

So, how do we find the balance between giving enough information about ourselves so that people understand what we do, without overwhelming them? Read on to find out.

What is a website’s conversion rate?

A website’s conversion rate is the percentage of people that take the desired action of your website, which is typically a form submission.

A conversion rate can be measured by dividing the number of conversions by total visits for the time period considered. For example, if that marketing KPI or metric is applied to a website with 1,000 visits and 10 conversions in a month, then the conversion rate is 1%. The average cost-per-action dictates what marketers need to spend to increase website traffic in order to increase lead generation from potential customers.

Simply put, a website’s conversion rate is a measure of how successful it is in getting visitors to take the desired action, whether that’s filling out a form, downloading a white paper, or making a purchase.

What type of traffic is best to generate website conversions?

There are two very important types of traffic, organic and direct. Organic traffic is driven by organic SEO efforts where a marketer identifies and ranks for keywords in hopes of getting listed on the search engines. Learn more about organic traffic and how to get more here.

Alternatively, a quick way to drive organic traffic to your website is through blogging. Here are 7 of our proven tips to drive organic traffic to your blog.

Direct Traffic is generated when someone types the URL of a website into their browser’s address bar or has a bookmark saved for easy access.

Paid traffic is one of the easiest and most predictable ways to drive traffic to your website. If you’ve ever played a pay-to-win game ﹣ it’s the same concept. For every dollar you spend, you should know exactly how many clicks you’ll get to your website or landing page.

However, generating traffic is only the first part of the equation. Once you’ve generated the traffic, you will need to determine how to guide the visitor through your site and convert them into a lead or sale. After you’ve measured your first sample of converted users (at least 10), you can calculate a conversion rate and proceed to optimize your website conversion rate.

Why you should up your game for website conversions ASAP

There are a lot of reasons why you should increase your website conversion rate sooner rather than later. The most obvious one is that more conversions equal more business. However, there are other reasons to focus on conversions:

  • Website conversions are a strong indicator of how well your business is doing
  • More conversions mean you’re making the most of your website traffic
  • Every increase in conversion rate percentage points means more money in your pocket

Essentially, anything you can do to increase website conversion rates is a good thing, and it’s worth your time and effort. If you can increase your conversion rate percentage points even by a tiny amount, it will have a significant impact on your business.

Keyboard with contact buttons to represent website conversion rates

First, the basics: Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization, or CRO, is the practice of increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that take the desired action, typically by filling out a form or making a purchase. CRO is a process that can be divided into three parts:

  1. Understanding what actions your website visitors are taking, and why.
  2. Identifying the obstacles that are preventing more visitors from taking the desired action.
  3. Implementing changes to increase the number of visitors who take the desired action.

If you’re not happy with your conversion rate, there’s hope! Conversion rate optimization is a process that can be tweaked and improved until you’re seeing the results you want.

If you want to learn more about CRO and how to increase the conversion rate of your website, read on. We’ll give you 20 tips that are easy to follow and will help increase those all-important conversions.

20 Tricks to help you increase conversion optimization for your website

There are a lot of factors that go into a website’s conversion rate. Some are under your control, while others are not. In this section, we will discuss some tips to increase conversions for your business.

However, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one business may not work for another. You will need to experiment with different methods to see what works best for you.

With that said, here are 20 tricks to increase your website’s conversion rate:

1. Use a simplistic design for your landing page

Your website’s conversion rate is determined by how well your landing page and sales page function. Make sure they are simple, easy to navigate, and have clear calls to action. This will help increase the chances that your visitor will take the desired action.

It helps to have a clear understanding of the design elements that keep your users engaged (UI) and the optimal structure of the landing page to guide their visit (UX). To read more about the differences between UI and UX, check out our article here.

Some ways you can implement a simplistic, action-oriented landing page design include:

  • using clear and concise headline text
  • using bullet points to list key benefits or features
  • using images and videos to help explain your product or service
  • using contrasting colors to highlights key page elements

2. Use effective headlines that capture your visitor’s attention.

Your website’s headline is one of the most important factors when it comes to conversion rate optimization. If your headline does not capture your visitor’s attention, they are likely to leave your website without taking any further action. In order to create effective headlines, you need to understand your target audience and what speaks to them. You should also test different headlines to see which ones produce the best results.

Some effective headline techniques include:

  • using numbers or statistics
  • using urgency (e.g., “act now”)
  • using curiosity (e.g., “what’s the secret?”)

Once you know how to write a good headline, test different versions out until you find something that works best for your audience.

3. Test different versions of your landing page to see which one performs the best.

Not all landing pages are created equal. In fact, you may find that certain versions of your landing page work better than others. This is why it is important to test different versions of your landing page to see which one produces the best results.

You can use methods such as A/B testing to help you determine which version of your landing page performs the best. A/B testing is a process of experimentation that allows you to test two different versions of your website against each other to see which one produces the best results. In order to conduct an A/B test, you create two different versions of your landing page (A and B) and then send traffic to both pages. You then measure the results of each page to see which one performs better.

Person at a laptop with marketing charts pulled up to track potential customers.

4. Write persuasive copy

In order to increase your website’s conversion rate, you need to use persuasive language throughout your site that speaks to your target market’s needs and desires. This persuasion should start from the moment someone arrives on your website and continue through to the point of conversion.

Some effective persuasive techniques include:

  • using social proof (e.g., “most popular”, “award-winning”)
  • using testimonials
  • using authority (e.g., quoting experts)
  • using scarcity (e.g., “limited time offer”)

And don’t underestimate the power of a well-written blog post. If you are trying to convince your visitor to do business with you, how better to get your foot in the door than to establish your authority in the industry? Most visitors come to your site with a specific question in mind. If you can answer their questions or needs directly, you will increase the chances that they will convert.

At the end of the day, you want to make a connection with your website visitors and speak to their desires as consumers. Persuasive language will boost your credibility as a business and cultivate interest in your brand.

5. Use social proof to increase confidence in your offer.

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people are influenced by the actions of others. In the context of website conversion, social proof can be used to increase confidence in your offer.

There are many different ways to use social proof on your website, but some effective techniques include:

  • featuring customer testimonials
  • displaying customer logos or badges
  • using social media stats (e.g., number of followers, likes, etc.)
  • showing aggregate ratings or reviews
  • featuring expert reviews

When people see that others have had a good experience with your business, they will feel more confident in choosing you over your competitors.

6. Address concerns or objections that customers may have about your product or service.

Concerns and objections are an inevitable part of the buying process. In order to increase the conversion rate of your website, you need to be prepared to address these concerns and objections head-on.

One way to do this is by adding an FAQ section to your website. This will help you preemptively address any potential questions or objections that a visitor may have. If you already have an FAQ section on your website, take the time to review it and make sure that it is up-to-date and relevant.

Another way to address objections is by adding a “Why Us?” page to your website. This will give visitors a more in-depth look at your value proposition and how you can help them with their specific needs.

Be sure to keep your content updated so that potential customers can rest assured that you are an authority in your field. Outdated info can work against you, so make sure your website is always putting your best foot forward.

7. Use analytics tools to keep track of conversion rate progress

It’s important to keep track of your website’s conversion rate progress so that you can make changes as necessary to increase results. One way to do this is by using a tool like Google Analytics. This will give you detailed insights into how people are interacting with your website.

With this data, you can see which pages are performing well and which ones need more work. You can also see where people are dropping off in the buying process, and make changes accordingly.

Click here to learn why tracking data and analytics can be crucial to your business’s online performance.

8. Offer a freebie or discount for people who take the desired action on your website.

While not completely necessary, incentives are a surefire way to encourage visitors to take the plunge into doing business with you. Who doesn’t love free stuff, after all?

Many businesses offer free shipping, free trials, discounts for first-time customers, and even loyalty programs to incentivize their customer base. These are just a few options to get you started, but feel free to get creative with your offers.

If you’re not sure what to offer your potential customers, it will be worth your while to sniff around competitor websites to see what they’re offering. This puts you in a good spot to outdo them with a better offer, or at the very least, match theirs. You could also survey your current customers to see what they would be interested in.

(Website conversion rate optimization) Phone with blue and red ad that says "25% off"

9. Use visual elements to increase engagement

Visual elements are a powerful way to clarify your message and make it more memorable. They help to break up the monotony of text-heavy pages and help to communicate your message more effectively. When designing your website, be sure to use an optimal number of images, videos, infographics, or charts.

The reason why visuals are so effective is that our brains are wired to process them quickly. In fact, we can process images up to 60,000 times faster than text. Also, our eyes naturally gravitate toward images, so using them on your website is a great way to engage your visitors. The next time you read through a website, be sure to take notice of how many visual elements are being used and how you interact with them as a visitor.

10. Use the concepts of urgency and scarcity

Urgency and scarcity are two psychological principles that can be used to entice visitors to act quickly. Urgency is the principle that encourages people to take action “now,” before it’s too late. Scarcity is the principle that encourages people to take action immediately before the opportunity is gone.

Both of these principles can be used to increase the conversion rate of your website. For example, you could use an urgency timer to encourage people to take action before a sale ends. Or you could use a scarcity graphic to show that there are only a few items left in stock.

11. Optimize page loading speed

Page speed is one of the most important factors in determining conversion rate. If your website takes too long to load, people will be more likely to leave before they even get a chance to see what you have to offer.

The good news is that there are several ways to increase page loading speed. Optimize your website’s performance by reducing image sizes, enabling browser caching, and using a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure that pages load quickly.

A few good (and free) resources you can take advantage of are:

  • GTMetrix (use it to test your website’s loading speed)
  • TinyJPG (use it to resize images)
  • Cloudflare (use it to increase website speed and security)

By taking the time to increase page loading speed, you can increase your conversion rate and improve overall performance.

12. Use exit intent popups

Exit intent popups are an underutilized but highly effective way to lead visitors who would otherwise leave your website to take the desired action. An exit intent popup appears is something that appears when a user is about to leave a page or navigate to a different tab in their browser. For example, if you hover over the open tab for this article that you’re reading right now, you should see an exit intent popup appear.

Exit intent popups can be a great way to increase your conversion rate because they give you one more opportunity to capture a visitor’s attention. However, it’s important to use them sparingly, as too many can be overwhelming or annoying. We have a whole guide on modals (or popups) and how to use them. Check it out!

To get started with exit intent popups, you can try a free tool such as OptinMonster.

13. Offer live chat support

Although it might not seem like the most obvious way to increase your website’s conversion rate, offering live chat support can be a great way to increase customer satisfaction and make it easier for visitors to get the answers they’re looking for.

Live chat support allows customers to interact with a real person in real time, and this can make their experience much more personal and positive. Live chat support is also the perfect opportunity to provide customers with personalized recommendations, answer their questions, and ultimately increase the chances that they will convert.

14. Try retargeting campaigns

“Retargeting” is a term that encompasses any attempt to reach out to visitors who have already left your website without purchasing something or taking the desired action. For example, if someone visited your e-commerce website but didn’t make a purchase, you could use retargeting campaigns to show them ads related to the products they viewed while they were on your website.

Retargeting campaigns can increase conversion rate by reminding potential customers of the products or services they were interested in and giving them an extra nudge to take action. If you’re not interested in paying to display ads to your website visitors, you can also send retargeting emails to any visitor who has provided their email address.

15. Offer multiple contact options

Most websites have a single contact page that displays location info, a phone number, and often a contact form. However, many of those websites, especially larger ones, could benefit immensely from providing the website visitor with multiple ways to get in touch.

For example, some customers might prefer to call or use a live chat support system, while others may prefer to send an email or use a contact form. By providing website visitors with multiple contact options, you can make it easier for them to get the help they’re looking for and increase the chances that they will convert.

You could also consider adding contact info (usually a phone number) to your website’s header, as this is a great way to ensure at least one contact option is unmissable to anyone who visits your site. Remember, convenience is key for modern web perusers. If a website’s layout or design makes it difficult in any way for a visitor to find the information they’re looking for, they will likely click away from your site and not look back.

16. Implement exit surveys

A slightly more tech-savvy approach to boosting your conversion rate is to implement exit surveys. An exit survey is a set of questions that appear when a visitor leaves your website, asking them why they chose to leave and what could have been done to keep them on the website.

While many users will inevitably ignore this popup and click away, you may be surprised by the amount of feedback you can get from a simple exit survey. Not only does this provide valuable insight into what your potential customers are looking for, but it also gives them a chance to tell you how you can improve your website and ultimately, increase your conversion rate. As long as the questions are simple and straightforward (ideally multiple choice with an “other” option), most users will be able to provide you with useful information in a matter of seconds without feeling inconvenienced.

For best results, keep the questions as concrete and “answerable” as possible. If your questions are vague, the answers you get back will be just as vague (which won’t be very helpful to you). For example, instead of asking “What do you think of my website?”, ask “Is there anything specific that stops you from completing a purchase on my website?”.

Woman with a laptop surrounded by books, researching how to increase conversion optimization.

17. Use video content

It is a widely accepted fact that videos are more engaging than static images and text. This is why it’s important to use videos on your landing page if you can. A compelling video that explains the value of your product or service can go a long way toward increasing your conversion rate.

Another great use of video content is to create “explainer videos” that help customers understand how to use your product or service. If customers can easily figure out how to use the product, they are far more likely to purchase it.

Videos also help to build trust and credibility with your consumers. If a customer can watch a video that shows real people talking about the product or service in an engaging way, they are more likely to feel comfortable making a purchase.

So don’t be afraid to invest in video content – it could end up being the tipping point that leads to an increase in your conversion rate.

18. Optimize for mobile

We talk about this aspect of web design a lot with our clients, and that’s because it’s incredibly important. Google reports that mobile searches now outnumber desktop searches, which means that if your landing page isn’t optimized for mobile users, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of potential customers. Need some ideas on optimizing your landing page? Check out our 10 tips to boost your conversion rate.

Make sure to optimize your landing page for both desktop and mobile users. Designing a responsive or adaptive website with elements like large font sizes, easily clickable buttons, and a clear call-to-action are all essential when it comes to creating a landing page that will convert.

By optimizing your landing page for mobile users, you’re giving yourself the best chance of converting visitors into customers – no matter which device they use to view your website.

19. Personalize user experience

The way your visitor gets to your website can tell you a lot about what they’re looking for, and you can use this information to personalize that visitor’s experience.

For example, if a visitor arrives at your website from an email marketing campaign, the chances are you advertised a specific product or service within that campaign. You can then create a landing page to match what that visitor is looking for and increase their chance of converting. If you simply send visitors from your email marketing funnel to your homepage, you’re not giving them the best chance of converting – they have to take additional steps to find what it is they’re looking for.

This same principle applies when targeting visitors from different sources, such as paid search campaigns or social media advertising. Make sure you tailor landing pages according to the source, so customers get a personalized experience and are more likely to convert.

20. Leverage influencer marketing

Influencers are a great way to increase brand visibility and build trust with potential customers. Find influencers in your industry who can share valuable content about your product or service. They can help spread the word and increase website conversion rates by providing positive reviews and recommendations.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be well on your way to increasing the conversion rate of your website. Remember that conversion rate optimization is an ongoing process and it’s important to be patient and persistent in order to get the results you want.

Final thoughts on increasing website conversions

So, there you have it! 20 easy tricks that you can use to increase the conversion rate of your website. If you’re looking for a sustainable way to boost your sales, then these tips are definitely for you.

Remember, what works for one business may not work for another, so be sure to test out different methods and see what works best for you. Oftentimes, the best course of action is to fail fast, change your approach, and try again.

Chart with a red line going up (increase conversion rate)

If you’re having trouble devising your own strategy, contact our team of experts who can assist in helping create an effective plan that gets visitors through your conversion funnel by considering how customers think. Which one of these tips has helped increase conversions for you? Let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a conversion rate?

Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as filling out a form or buying a product. It is a common way to measure the success of a website.

How can I increase my website’s conversion rate?

There are a number of different ways to increase your website’s conversion rate. Some of the most effective methods include using urgency and scarcity, adding visuals to your page, and tracking progress with analytics tools.

Why is it important to increase my website’s conversion rate?

A high conversion rate means that more of your website visitors are turning into leads for your sales team. This will result in more revenue and increased profits for your business.

How can I track my website’s conversion rate?

One of the most common methods is to use analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Bing Webmaster Tools. These platforms can help you track your site’s incoming traffic, how many of those visitors convert into leads or sales, and even where your customers are coming from.

What is the average conversion rate for websites?

The magic number is largely dependent on the industry you’re working in. However, the average conversion rate across all industries falls between 2% and 3%. That means for every 100 people who visit your website, 2-3 of them should complete your desired action, such as filling out a contact form or making a purchase.

Picture of Taylor Wise

Taylor Wise

Taylor is a seasoned entrepreneur and the mastermind behind Wise Growth Marketing, dedicated to helping businesses reach their peak. With over a decade of experience, he's on a mission to guide owners towards profitable transitions or sustainable, hands-off models. When not immersed in strategizing, he shares his travels and artistic prints at, or you can find him exploring the great outdoors and dispensing camping wisdom at His life's work reflects his belief in growth, adventure, and the freedom to enjoy the fruits of one's labor.

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